Tuesday 6 February 2007

Question: Where can I get good, free help with my GCSE Maths??

Answer: S-cool. No, not school. Well, you can get good, free help with your GCSE Maths from school but what I mean is s-cool, the website. The actual address is easy to remember. Here it is....


I'd better check that the site is still up and running because I haven't used it for a while.
I used to get asked questions by my pupils when I was a private tutor. I would always check this site first...
Yes. It is still up and running. When you get there click on GCSE Revision then Maths. You'll then need to decide which part of the curriculum your problem lies in... Approximations, Percentages, Graphs etc. You then need to follow steps 1 - 4 on the site .It is like a full lesson with a little test to check you've understood it. The site uses moving graphics to really help you understand. Good luck!
Note: This blog post was intended to help you find good, free help for your GCSE Maths problems..

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